Recent developments in earthquake engineering indicate that probabilistic seismic\nrisk analysis (PSRA) is becoming increasingly useful for the evaluation of structural\nperformance in accordance with building codes. In recent years, the field of seismic\nresistance design has been undergoing a critical shift in focus from strength to performance.\nHowever, current earthquake resistant design procedures do not relate\nbuilding performance to probability. A lack of sufficient empirical data has highlighted\ngaps in this research. This study integrated results from the analysis of\nstructural fragility and seismic hazard in Taiwan to perform PSRA to examine the\neffectiveness of building code in mitigating the risks associated with earthquakes.\nFactors taken into account included the effect of construction materials, building\nheight, and building age. The results of this study show that the probability of exceeding\ndamage associated with the CP level in buildings of light steel, pre-cast concrete,\nand masonry, exceeds 2%. These buildings fail to meet the performance objectives\noutlined in FEMA-273.